Maximize the Potential of Your Sales Discounts

September 19th, 2024 by the STORIS Marketing Team

Insights on Running Effective Promotions While Protecting Margins

Offering discounts is a powerful way to attract customers and drive sales and is an integral part of a retail pricing strategy. As consumers increasingly seek value, discounts create a direct path to increase store traffic and customer engagement. However, running successful promotions requires balancing the benefits to customers with the need to protect profitability. With advanced technology and well-planned strategies, retailers can implement discount programs that preserve margins while offering customers meaningful savings.

Understanding Consumer Preferences

Before crafting your discounting strategy, it’s essential to understand what motivates customers. Kortex found that 69% of consumers look for discounts, showing that affordability continues to dominate purchasing decisions​. In fact, 89% of consumers cite price as the most influential factor in their purchasing decisions, underscoring the importance of maintaining competitive pricing alongside discount strategies. Further, discounts continue to play a major role in holiday shopping. Capital One Shopping found that 72% of holiday shoppers will take advantage of free shipping, and 73% of consumers’ holiday purchases are influenced by discounts​.

Strategic Discounting for Home Furnishings Retailers

Here are several strategies retailers can employ to safeguard margins during promotional periods.

1. Set Clear Objectives Every promotion should have a clear goal, whether it’s increasing sales volume, moving slow inventory, or attracting new customers. Clearly defining these objectives ensures that promotions are structured to maximize impact without sacrificing profitability.

2. Establish Pricing Guardrails To protect margins, set minimum acceptable price levels. Guardrails ensure discounts don’t undercut your cost structure, helping preserve profitability even during aggressive promotions.

3. Use Dynamic Pricing Tools Leverage dynamic pricing tools to adjust discounts in real time based on factors like demand, inventory levels, and competitor pricing. This allows retailers to remain competitive without risking over-discounting.

4. Segment Customers Tailor promotions by customer type, using data to offer personalized discounts that resonate with specific segments. Offering tailored discounts to frequent buyers, loyalty members, or high-spending customers ensures promotions are impactful without being overly broad.

5. Control Discount Depth and Duration Limiting how deep and how long discounts are applied protects against excessive margin erosion. Time-bound promotions, flash sales, and capped discount percentages all encourage urgency while protecting the bottom line.

6. Bundle Products Strategically Offering bundles of high-margin and low-margin products can encourage customers to purchase more while preserving overall profitability. Strategic product bundling helps clear inventory while maintaining solid margins.

7. Upsell and Cross-Sell Train sales staff to upsell higher-margin items and cross-sell complementary products during promotions. This tactic offsets the impact of discounts on low-margin products.

8. Implement Minimum Purchase Requirements Encourage larger transactions by setting minimum spend thresholds to qualify for discounts. This approach increases transaction size while maintaining profitability.

9. Align Staff on Margin Protection Ensure your team understands the importance of margin protection. Train them to guide customers toward higher-margin products and explain the value beyond the discount.

10. Evaluate Promotion Effectiveness Post-promotion evaluations help fine-tune future strategies. Analyzing which discounts met objectives and preserved margins allows for continuous improvement.

Furniture Retail Technology for Effective Discount Management

Sophisticated mobile point of sale (POS) systems equipped with discounting logic enable consistent and precise promotion management. Retailers can automate the application of discounts based on pre-set rules and criteria, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. Retailers can choose if they want to calculate discounts based on their standard selling price, suggested retail price, subtotal, or net total.

  • Discount Schedulers: Automatically apply and remove discounts based on time or sales triggers, ensuring consistent application and preventing human error.
  • Discount Settings: Custom rules allow retailers to define which products or categories are discounted, ensuring discounts only apply where they are intended.
  • Advanced Line Item Discounting: Break down discounts by individual items or at the subtotal level, maintaining clarity and control over each promotion.
  • Hierarchy Configuration: Define the order in which discounts apply, ensuring customers always receive the best deal available without complicating calculations.
  • Cross-Channel Execution: Consistently launch promotions across in-store and digital channels to ensure wide reach and continuity of brand engagements. 
  • Performance Analysis: Use real-time analytics to track promotion success and adjust strategies. Data-driven insights help identify which promotions are most effective at driving sales while protecting margins.

By using these promotional tools within their POS, retailers can streamline promotion execution, reduce error, and ensure that discounting logic supports their overall sales and margin goals.

Types of Discounts

Retailers have a wide array of discount types at their disposal, each serving different business objectives:

  • Percentage-Based Discounts: Popular for driving sales or moving slow stock, percentage discounts offer customers straightforward savings.
  • Dollar Value Discounts: Fixed dollar amounts are often easier for consumers to calculate and psychologically feel like a valuable deal.
  • Product-Specific Discount Codes: This type of discount allows retailers to assign sales discount codes to specific products they are aiming to boost sales of.
  • Minimum Purchase Quantity: Encourage higher average order values by rewarding customers who meet a specific spending threshold.
  • Maximum Sales Discount Cap: A percentage-based discount that includes a maximum cap on the total discount amount used to protect margins.
  • Free Shipping: A compelling offer for eCommerce, free shipping often motivates higher conversions and larger cart sizes.
  • BOGO (Buy One, Get One Free): Effective for moving inventory while maintaining profitability, especially when paired with high-margin items.
  • Qualifying Inventory Discounts: To be eligible for these discounts, customers must purchase an item from a specific inventory formation.
  • Kit Pricing: This type of discount is excellent for encouraging the purchase of bundled items, driving up average transaction value.
  • Seasonal Discounts: Tied to holidays or clearance events, these promotions help reduce old inventory and boost sales during critical seasonal peaks.
  • Financied-Only Discounts: These discounts are exclusive to orders transacting with revolving credit plans to encourage customers to choose revolving financing, which also boosts interest revenue for the retailer.
  • Customer Category Discounts: This discount type restricts certain promotions to predefined customer price categories. Retailers can control which customer segments, such as loyalty program members or employees, are eligible for specific discounts.
  • Customer-Specific Coupons: These are exclusive, customer-linked coupons that can only be used by the specific customer they are assigned to ideal for personalizing promotion strategies.

Optimizing Promotions with Data-Driven Insights

Digital transformation allows retailers to leverage customer data, purchase histories, and market trends to create more targeted and profitable promotions. By analyzing data, retailers can align their promotions with inventory management and ROI goals, identifying which products and customers offer the best opportunities for maximizing profitability.

Personalized promotions, tailored to individual customer preferences, enhance engagement and increase the likelihood of conversion. Customers are more responsive to offers that match their specific needs, improving overall sales performance. According to Kortx, around 83% of consumers express a desire for personalized offers, but only 44% find current offers relevant, highlighting an opportunity for retailers.

The Advantages of Offering Discounts

1. Increased Sales: Discounts generate immediate customer interest, especially during key sales periods like Black Friday or President’s Day. Retailers can forecast significant sales boosts from well-executed promotional events.

2. Freeing Up Inventory: Clearance events help retailers move older products, making space for new inventory. This helps maintain optimal inventory levels while keeping the sales floor fresh and up to date.

3. Enhanced Brand Reputation Offering discounts to groups like students, military personnel, or senior citizens can build goodwill and social responsibility. These targeted offers improve customer relationships and encourage loyalty.

4. Meeting Sales Goals If sales targets are not being met, promotions are an effective way to drive revenue and reach weekly, monthly, or annual goals. Properly timed promotions can close performance gaps and boost overall business health.

By leveraging these strategies and technology solutions, retailers can protect their margins while maximizing the effectiveness of their promotions, ensuring that discounts drive customer satisfaction, sales revenue, and greater profitability.

Learn About STORIS’ Promotional Tools

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